Financial Resources to Help Supplement Your Education
Here are some of the websites we’ve found that can be useful in finding financial aid. For a more extensive list, plus some specific grants, scholarships, and tips, see our Financial Resources PDF.
College Board
News and up-to-date information on financial aid, a scholarship search, and links to financial aid resources.
A good resource for information on financial aid and scholarships. It includes factual information, defines the different types of financial aid, and provides information about the FAFSA form, scholarships, private aid, and other forms of alternative financing.
A site for finding colleges and financial aid. It includes sources of financial aid, advice for students, and specific information for high school, college, graduate, transfer and international students. Information for parents as well.
Do your own free search, from a database of over 180,000 scholarships and loans.
Federal Student Aid
Provides financial aid information for students wishing to study in a foreign country. Contains a comprehensive listing of grants, scholarships, loan programs and other information to assist students in their pursuit to study abroad.
Office of Student Financial Assistance, Direct Loans
The federal government’s Direct Loan website, with information on accounts, entrance counseling, and loan consolidation.
Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid
Information about aid, advice about finding aid, and a special section on financial aid for study abroad. A good general resource is the Financial Aid Information Page.
U.S. News & World Report: Financial Aid
Information on types of financial aid, relevant articles, deciphering your financial aid award letter.